Why and for whom

Homeless is not only someone who lives exclusively on the street

What is Homelessness in Greece and who does it affect?

According to the FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless) ETHOS typology, the phenomenon of homelessness & house exclusion can be defined & analysed on the basis of 4 main conceptual categories of living conditions & housing:

1) Homelessness

This category includes people living rough & in emergency accommodation (e.g. heated or air-conditioned rooms during extreme weather events)

2) Rooflessness

This category includes people who:

  • live in accommodation for the homeless
  • live in women's shelters
  • stay in accommodation for refugees & immigrants
  • released from institutions

3) Insecure Housing

This category includes people who: receive long-term support due to homelessness

  • live in insecure accommodation
  • live under threat of eviction
  • live under threat of violence

4) Inadequate Housing

This category includes people who:

  • live in temporary or non-conventional structures
  • live in unfit housing
  • live in extreme overcrowding

At Emfasis Non-Profit we do not discriminate. We stand by every person in need!

Today, the demographic we support consists primarily of:

  • People living on the street
  • Families living below the poverty line
  • Single-parent families living in precarious housing
  • Elderly Individuals (60+) facing Chronic Medical Issues living in Homelessness or Insecure & Inadequate Housing
  • Chronically Unemployed
  • People Affected by Extreme Weather Phenomena & Natural Disasters
  • Socially Vulnerable Young People
