
Homeless Diaries | September 2024

“Thank you for coming again. I didn't expect to see you. I've forgotten what it's like to wait for someone. No one waits for me and I don't always realize how much that hurts or saddens me.I feel like I'm becoming tiresome or pathetic by asking for food. Once I wasn't just that, I was young too, with goals and dreams, but I don't see myself that way. I see someone I don't know.I don't have the courage to face myself in the mirror. I'm afraid I'll see someone cowardly, a fugitive abandoned by fate. I prefer to keep the old image of myself.Perhaps it hides a rejection or the expectation, to become one day what my little mind had the courage to claim in a more hopeful future. If I can ever see it that way.”

-A man in a state of homelessness

