INSIDE OUTSIDE: Children Bridges Projects


Project Name: INSIDE OUTSIDE: Children Bridges Projects
Implementation Period: 2017 - 2018
Geographical Coverage: Athens 

Goal & Beneficiaries:

Implemented by the Association of Volunteers for the Support of Minors & Youth, Inside#Outside, in collaboration with Emfasis. The cooperation aimed to contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of the collaborating NGOs, preventing social victimization, and promoting the protection of the rights of children experiencing street situations (child populations on the move and other vulnerable child populations at risk on the streets), in badly affected areas of high intensity of the phenomenon, in the central urban fabric of Thessaloniki and Athens.

In addition, the aim of the cooperation was the exchange of knowledge and know-how, in the individual fields of the organizations, in the context of defending the rights of vulnerable child populations.


● Ability to exchange and train the human resources of theorganizations in new methodologies and tools, develop effectiveness and skills, and approach and support children at risk.

Funding: Points of Support, Hellenic Hope Public Benefit Foundation

