
The Municipality of Agios Vasilios participates in the EmfaSEAs Programme

The Municipality of Agios Vasilios participates in the EmfaSEAs Programme

Emfasis Non-Profit is a private initiative of people, who for the last 10 years have had a permanent presence in the field, applying the Methodology of Social Streetwork (Social Work on the Street).

The goal of Emfasis Non-Profit is to support, relieve and empower our vulnerable fellow human beings, who experience or are threatened by homelessness or living below the poverty line.

From March 2023 and for one year, the special teams of Emfasis Non-Profit record needs, plan programs and travel to four island regions of Greece, implementing a National Scope & Benefit Programme, entitled EmfaSEAs. EmfaSEAs is implemented with a donation from the Athina I. Martinou Foundation.

Rhodes, Evoia, Crete (Heraklion and Rethymno), as well as Salamina, are the stations of our range. The primary objective of the programme is to reach and cooperate with all local bodies and voluntary groups involved in the relief of vulnerable populations in these areas. This will be followed by the exchange of experiences, the recording of the challenges faced daily in the field and the transmission of the Streetwork methodology.

In this framework, interactive experiential workshops have been designed, as well as a variety of psychosocial and empowering activations. For Emfasis Non-Profit, sharing experiences and good practices between organizations and bodies, actively contributes to a climate of synergy, unity and solidarity.

The last stop of the visit of the representatives of Emfasis Non-Profit was the Municipality of Agios Vasilios where they held a meeting with the Mayor Yiannis Tatarakis.

“It was a great pleasure for us today to welcome at our City Hall, Mrs. Maria Karra Co-founder of the non-profit Emfasis and Mr. Georgios Chrysantidis in charge of psychotherapeutic activities where the EmfSEAs Programme was presented to us in greater detail.” said the Mayor of Agios Vasilios and continued: “We discussed together important actions that will take place in the next phase of the Programme in our Municipality such as: raising awareness and mobilizing citizens towards volunteering, recording basic operational needs for optimal implementation of relief programs, such as “Help at Home” etc. The cooperation programme will also include recreational empowering actions for the municipality's network of beneficiaries, with the participation of Local Cultural Associations. Looking forward to the fulfillment of what we discussed, our Municipality will assist in the implementation of the EmfaSeas Program with the support of the Athina I. Martinou Foundation for a civil society that promotes, with solidarity and empathy, active synergy for the good of all.”

About the Athina I. Martinou Foundation

The Athina I. Martinou Foundation was founded with the aim of supporting non-profit organizations active in Greece as well as the implementation of the Scholarship Program. The Foundation's charitable activities have a nationwide reach and cross-sectoral coverage, with emphasis on issues related to the sea. In particular, the Foundation makes donations in the fields of social welfare, health, education, culture and the environment, and scholarships with a dominant theme of the sea. The Foundation does not make donations to individual natural persons (an exception is the Scholarship Program).

Source: GoodNet.gr

