
Rethymnon's School of Second Chance: Screening of the documentary “Roofless Dreams”

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, a screening of the documentary “Roofless Dreams”, directed by Sotiris Danezis, took place in the event hall of the Rethymnon's School of Second Chance, as part of the cooperation of Rethymnon's School of Second Chance with Emfasis-Non Profit.

The documentary was attended by the trainees and teachers of the Second Chance School, as well as the students and teachers of the Postmeridian General High School of Rethymnon.

The documentary presented the 'unseen' dimensions of homelessness through the lived stories told by the homeless themselves, with the camera lens focusing on what is not easily discernible from the first moment — showing that homelessness and vulnerability do not have a specific “face”.

The screening of the documentary was followed by an open discussion, during which the concerns were expressed about the deficits of the welfare state, the value of volunteering and social solidarity, as well as the importance of informing and raising awareness against 'stigma' and social exclusion of vulnerable populations musu.

The teachers and trainees of the Rethymno Secondary School are especially grateful to the management of 4th High School for the contribution to the success of the event by providing the appropriate equipment, the school community of the Postmeridian General High School for its participation in the event and Mr. Giorgos Chrysantidis, representative of Emfasis Non-Profit, for the cooperation.

*The screening took place within the EmfaSEAs Programme of Emfasis Non-Profit, which is implemented with a donation from the Athina I. Martinou Foundation.

Source: Rethymnon's School of Second Chance

