
A Day with the Social Service of Emfasis Non-Profit

You wake up, get dressed, think about obligations—family, work...
What will I do at work today? What should I do first at work today?
Calls, emails, rigid conversations, obstacles, meaningless discussions, a sense of frustration...
You go on duty, make field visits, distribute supplies, provide street counseling... feelings of despair...
You have to deal with medical issues, bureaucratic dead ends, unsolvable vicious cycles... You meet with officials who tell you everything is just fine... feelings of anger, disappointment... rage...
You seek answers—what can I do for these people in need? What should I say? How should I act? Where should I refer them?

Difficult situations like:

  • Chronic health issues that don't receive the welfare support they should… Medical appointments— not everyone can book them. The automated system picks up, but they can’t hear, or the "machine" glitches and doesn’t recognize their voice… or they simply don’t have enough phone credit… or there’s no available appointment this month, or next…
  • Individuals and families with children living in precarious conditions… without electricity, without water…
    Under the threat of eviction—what we call imminent homelessness—along with the threat of violence, and often living under its grip…
  • Elderly people with entire properties listed under their name—properties that are nothing but crumbling walls, without a roof over their heads—denied any form of assistance…
  • Young people, lone individuals, and families who lost everything in a single moment—perhaps their jobs, too—because of a hurricane, a flood, a fire…
  • Seniors—3rd Age, 4th Age, and beyond—who were suddenly labeled digitally illiterate because they lack the means or knowledge to keep up with this so-called digital age…
  • Citizens living in every kind of precarity, sustained by an inadequate welfare system, forced to survive on cards of misery and indignity…
  • People forced to prove their "pavement or cardboard box status" to the local municipality...

So… I don’t know if you need to answer anything.
You just need to do something. But what?

Shout for rights. Shout for services. Shout for the freedom to survive.
Wherever you can.

At the very least, we fight for those who can't—or who can, in their own way…

At the very least, let it all start being heard

So that we know we shouted for human existence and against this banana-republic dignity…

