
Emfasis Foundation Interview on BeConscious

Emfasis: “A bridge between society and socially excluded people”

Thank you very much for Be Concious and especially Angelo Stergio, for his interest and patience, while we were trying to collect the interview material on the very crucial questions he had asked us. All this, in a period that found us exhausted physically and mentally, at the center of a pandemic that had severely affected the majority of Emfasis beneficiaries. We hope to be able to get together in one shift, so that what we describe can be transformed into a living reality of streetwork. Below is the interview:

“The Idea”

“The creation of Emfasis is the result of the vision of a group of Greek diaspora to provide an immediate and effective way out to the serious social challenges that the economic crisis has created in our country. After many months of study and successive interconnections with structures and services, it was found that it was not enough to wait for people to come to us for support, but for us to approach these people non-critically but with respect and dignity, and together to plan the steps they should take to improve living conditions their enactment. This methodology stems from the principles of social streetwork/social work on the street.

The team

“The Emfasis team consists of people of all ages and specialties. We use the knowledge and experience of each team member in order to meet the needs as best as possible both at the organizational level and at the action/field level. Cada novo membro del equipo destino recieves un trainación general no tema, y en el segundo secondo específico, dependiente o ruolo specifico que o que se undertako para performar.

The basic principles of the team are discretion, respect, good communication and acceptance of the characteristics of everyone who wants to participate. The team is distinguished by clear roles and everyone is involved to the degree and level they desire and feel safe.

O grupo é invitado para contactar personas no estrutas, como passeños, con lavoros en lugares, que se están homellos ou personas no estreos en una situación de la estreta, y com arquivos que está marginalizado. For these reasons we are called to play a very delicate role — a link between all of the above.”

So far, what have you accomplished?

“From the day we started, we felt that we had created a bridge of communication between civil society and socially excluded people, which was non-existent. Those who felt forgotten, had the opportunity to get in touch almost daily with our teams. Zárea markt a social tension a division spoke to us about the beneficial effect of our presence, as we absorbed a social vibration that was previously pervasive on the streets. Since 2013 more than ten thousand (10,000) people in visible and invisible homelessness have received psychosocial, material and humanitarian support as appropriate. The Organization has given the opportunity to forty-five (45) young social scientists to start their careers in their field. We implemented 19 relief programs that ran from the testimonies and requests of the people themselves. Vi (200,000) a psychosocial a a a a a a.

How do you comment on the economic situation in our country and which age group seems to be the most affected?

“Our commentary is based solely on the testimonies of the people we support or come into contact with. O grupo de años que va ser severalmente fícil se a 45 y más más, como o mercado laboral se orientado a nuevos materiales animados que pode ser mais mais facilmente mais y adaptados a nuevos datos. People who have lost their jobs, even temporarily, remain seriously troubled and find it very difficult for them to turn to a new professional direction, and are burdened with negative psychology, as they are unable to manage the feeling of failure to provide the necessary for their protected members.

One day of a Streetworker in the organization...

“Every day is special! There are specific actions to follow, which includes the shift. Each shift is a unique experience that encompasses a multitude of functions. Indicatively, requests are recorded, discussed with the team for their faster and more efficient implementation and implementation of the requests. In emergency-casos, there are many times when we can call the ECAB or other government agencies to report and resolve the incident. In addition, individual meetings with beneficiaries take place and, finally, a report/evaluation of shift and area is carried out.”

The most “powerful” experiences...

A very important experience is the awareness of the gravity of the words “hungry” and “afraid”, as well as their daily repetition. In listening to them, you can only make immediate decisions to support people with whatever tools and means at your disposal.

In practice, the Emfasis team always follows safety and hygiene rules, without exception. During the period of measures, however, the observation of the safety distance of 2 meters was also added. Beneficiaries, but also ourselves, needed time to maintain this social distance. On this basis, we were faced with the imposition of a distance, a demarcation that often brings sadness to the conditions of human contact. In the name of everyone's health, however, we must all adapt immediately.

The period of restrictive measures, coincided with M. The Week. Intense loneliness experienced by people on the street was captured by unprecedented approaches, in which beneficiaries simply asked us to be close to them. Věrý. These testimonies were extremely intense, with the narrative manifesting itself as a kind of confession.

Finally, the confrontations of the Authorities with the people on the road in places of great congestion also created very vivid images. A stark illustration that emerged from this is that many beneficiaries changed spots and found themselves “hidden” behind abandoned buildings, bushes and underground passages.”

Finally, how much has streetwork been affected in the coronavirus period?

“The methodology of streetwork was significantly influenced by the conditions imposed by the pandemic. Dans el fondo de trête é mobilización y empowering de la populació vulnerabile en condiciones de vida de la strada, que requiere presencia física y approxão personalizada. In addition, it also requires cooperation with structures/services, which have had significantly reduced benefits due to temporary shutdowns. Perché, na a,:

  • Psychological support/empowerment through daily telephone communication with beneficiaries.
  • Daily communication with structures/services about their benefits in the period of health crisis.
  • Informazioni su beneficiali su regole di hygienia, measuri de protezione, hostels e facilitivi e servizi, come continuo informazioni e trainazione di volunteers su nuovi condizioni.
  • Procurement and finding of protective equipment (masks, gloves, etc.)
  • Intact deliveries of survival species to persons of vulnerable groups due to age or inability to move, due to lack of documents or mobility problems.
  • Emergency shifts for untouched and massive delivery of basic necessities (prepared food, hygiene items, etc.).

How can we contribute to the team?

“Due to the multi-level action of the organization, the ways of contribution and participation are varied. At first, anyone can volunteer. Ev. In addition, contributions can be made to actions aimed at financially supporting our programs, as well as assistance in placing donation boxes and posters of the organization in private companies/companies. It is also of great importance to respond to ads/needs that are posted periodically on our communication channels (facebook/instagram) while, finally, anyone who wants to help can offer survival items, depending on the needs of the period.”

For you, conscious means...

An active citizen who is informed, cross-checks the validity of the information received, takes an interest in social events and maintains empathy and critical thinking. Is polite and refrains from adopting harmful stereotypes. If he or she is unable to contribute actively, he or she shall ensure that indirect support is given to initiatives promoting a civil society based on respect and practical solidarity.

We thank Emfasis for the life lesson they offer daily on the streets.

Quelle: BeconScious

